An Uzbek chapan - late 20th century Galerie Ariana $300.00
An embroidered textile from Gardez, Afghanistan Galerie Ariana $300.00
An embroidered Hazara textile from central Afghanistan Galerie Ariana $300.00
A child's smock face from Hunza valley, Pakistan Galerie Ariana $300.00
A vintage child's shirt front from Afghanistan Galerie Ariana $300.00
A pair of women's ankle bands from Turkmenistan Galerie Ariana $300.00
A small Pashtun beaded bag Galerie Ariana $300.00
An Afghan Kuchi embroidered cushion Galerie Ariana $300.00
An Uzbek suzani from northern Afghanistan Galerie Ariana $300.00
A Pashtun embroidered napkin from southern Afghanistan Galerie Ariana $300.00
A Lakai Uzbek saye gosha - early to mid 20th century Galerie Ariana $300.00
A striped Tibetan woven sash in wool, mid 20th century Galerie Ariana $300.00
A vintage textile from Gardez, mid 20th century Galerie Ariana $300.00
An embroidered cloth from central Afghanistan Galerie Ariana $300.00
An Uzbek embroidery from northern Afghanistan Galerie Ariana $300.00
A cushion cover from Hazara District, Pakistan Galerie Ariana $300.00
A vintage Uzbek embroidery from early 20th century Galerie Ariana $295.00