Consolidated Dancing Nymphs Goblet The Glass Cupboard $200.00
Anchor Hocking Fire King Azurite SWIRL 5 In CEREAL BOWL Strait's Antiques $26.00
Several pieces of carved Ming to Qing old Artistic pieces Lilly Parker Antiques, Inc. $75.00
Indian Bronze Offering Chalice With Sacred Peacocks Zentner Collection $1,200.00
Old Horned Chinese Mask, China, Himalaya Himalaya Primitive Please contact for price
300-200 BC Mauryan Empire Terracotta Monkey Figure v7 what pdx $850.00
Saito (Nishimura) Hodo Japanese Watercolor- Night Street by Restaurant Era Woodblock Prints $990.00
Sale Pending
Crichton Brothers Sterling Revere Bowl R and S Antiques $975.00