Colors Clay Tsubo Vase by Gomi Kenji Quality Chadogu On Reserve
Mizusashi, Water Jar, by George Gledhill WaSabiDou Antiques and Folk Crafts Sold
Mizusashi, Water Jar, by George Gledhill WaSabiDou Antiques and Folk Crafts $250.00
Chosen Karatsu Katakuchi lipped bowl by Dohei Fujinoki popular artist Gallery Rex Sold
Tanimoto Yo Iga Oni-oke Mizusashi Modern Japanese Ceramics Sold
Temmoku Stamped Covered Cap Jar Albedo 3 Studio $82.50
Chosen-karatsu Tea jar by Dohei Fujinoki the popular artist KARATSU Gallery Rex $2,900.00