Galerie Ariana
A vintage child's dress front from Gardez, Afghanistan
A woman's embroidered shirt front from Afghanistan
An Uzbek hand-embroidered cushion cover
A pair of vintage Pashtun tablecloths from Katawaz
A Hazara texile from mid 20th century
An Uzbek saye gosha from northern Afghanistan
A Baluch balisht
A Hazara embroidered cloth, 33x39 cm
A silk embroidered purse from Afghanistan
A striped woven wool sash from Tibet
A dowry purse from Baluchistan
A pair of embroidered woman's leggings from Afghanistan
A pair of Uzbek puttees, late 20th century
A Hazara prayer cloth from Bamiyan - mid 20th century
A Hazara prayer cloth in silk thread from Afghanistan
A pair of shirt cuffs from Ghazni province
A Lakai Uzbek saye gosha, mid 20th century
A woman's beaded dress panel from Afghanistan