Galerie Ariana
A pair of Uzbek puttees, late 20th century
An Uzbek puttee, mid 20th century
An embroidered child's vest from Afghanistan - Hazara
Un Uzbek hand-embroidered curtain from Afghanistan
A child's hat from Indus Kohistan, Pakistan
An Uzbek saye gosha from northern Afghanistan
A woman's wedding shawl from Indus Kohistan
An ikat embroidered cap from northern Afghanistan
A Lakai Uzbek saye gosha, mid 20th century
A child's helmet from Indus Kohistan, mid 20th century
An old pair of Uzbek sleeve bands, circa mid 20th cent.
A vintage Turkman Yomut cap from Herat, Afghanistan
A child's cap from Indus Kohistan, Pakistan
A finely embroidered Hazara pouch, mid 20th century
A vintage textile from northern Afghanistan
A small girl's cap from Indus Kohistan, Pakistan
An Uzbek suzani from northern Afghanistan
An Uzbek Lakai textile (segusha) - mid 20th century
A vintage silk ikat-dyed robe from northern Afghanistan
A cushion cover from Swat Valley, Pakistan
A cushion cover from Hazara District, Pakistan
A Hazara prayer cloth, mid 20th century
A girl's shift from northern Afghanistan, 20th century
A Hazara prayer cloth from Bamiyan province
A silk embroidered purse from Swat Valley, Pakistan
A child's dress front from Gardez, mid 20th century
A Hazara texile from mid 20th century
An Uzbek embroidered band, early-mid 20th century
A pair of embroidered bands from northern Afghanistan
A Hazara prayer cloth, mid 20th century
An old Hazara textile from Bamiyan or Ghazni province
A pistol holster from Katawaz, Ghazni province
A purse from Baluchistan, mid 20th century
An old textile from Katawaz, Ghazni province
A man's wedding shawl from Sindh, Pakistan
A man's embroidered shirt panel from Kandahar