Alexander Ney Russian American sculptor "Brown standing Nude" N3 what pdx $695.00
Alexander Ney Russian American contemporary sculptor " Medium Bird" N4 what pdx $550.00
Alexander Ney Russian American contemporary sculptor " Man in a Suit " what pdx $795.00
Alexander Ney Russian American sculptor "Brown Torso" N4 what pdx $695.00
Alexander Ney Russian American contemporary sculptor " Flat Bird" N4 what pdx $895.00
Alexander Ney Russian American contemporary sculptor "Russian Egg" what pdx $795.00
Alexander Ney Russian American sculptor "Brown Bee Pendant" what pdx $595.00
Alexander Ney Russian contemporary sculptor "Running Tiger" v1 what pdx $995.00
Alexander Ney Russian American contemporary sculptor "Brown Mask" what pdx $695.00
Alexander Ney Russian American contemporary sculptor "Bird" N4 what pdx $650.00
Alexander Ney Russian American sculptor "White Horn Pendant" what pdx $795.00
Jim Gary Wall Sculpture Modernist Mid Century Folk Art Auerbach and Maffia $8,500.00
ArtistLuigi Avolio Sculpture of Neptune In .800 Fine Solid Silver L'Enfant Gallery $4,500.00
Alexander Ney contemporary sculptor "Silver Object " v8 what pdx $995.00
Alexander Ney Russian American sculptor "Silver standing Nude" what pdx $895.00
Alexander Ney Russian American sculptor "Sterling silver Bee Pendant" what pdx $795.00
Japanese Sterling Silver Sculpture Yacth by Takehiko June Hastings $750.00
Alexander Ney Russian American contemporary sculptor "Silver Mask" what pdx $895.00